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Fast, secure cloud storage at a fraction of the cost.

What is Storj?

Storj is a cloud storage platform that can’t be censored, monitored, or have downtime. It´s a decentralized, end-to-end encrypted cloud storage platform that uses cryptography to secure your files.

Storj is a platform, cryptocurrency, and suite of decentralized applications that allows you to store data in a secure and decentralized manner. Your files are encrypted, shredded into chunks called ‘pieces’ and stored in a decentralized network of computers and servers around the globe. No one but you has access to your files, not even in an encrypted form.

Because of this, Storj is also faster, cheaper, and more secure than traditional cloud storage platforms.

Huge Storage

  • Get 150 GB Storage and Bandwidth Limit per month on the decentralized cloud for free on Storj DCS. Perfect for developers and smaller projects.

  • Get a monthly deal of 4$ per Terabyte of Storage and 7$ per Terabyte of Bandwidth when you subscribe for their Pro Account.


  • Multiple machines are serving your file´s pieces simultaneously.


  • You are renting people’s spare hard-drive space instead of paying for a purpose-built data center.

Most Secure

  • Your files are both encrypted and shredded. There is no need to trust a corporation, vulnerable servers, or employees with your files. Storj completely removes trust from the equation.

Store it on a better cloud.

  • Store data securely on over 16k nodes worldwide instead of just a few vulnerable data centers with privacy and CDN-like performance by design.

Storj uses public/private key encryption, and cryptographic hash functions for security. To best protect your data, files are encrypted client-side on your computation device before they are uploaded. Each file is split up into chunks which are first encrypted and then distributed across the Storj network. The network is comprised of Storj nodes run by users around the world who rent out their unused hard drive space in return for STORJ Token (STORJ).

Why use Stroj?

  1. Unparalleled Security
    • Every file is encrypted, split into pieces, and stored on a global network of nodes, making data breaches and downtime a thing of the past.
  2. Lightning-fast Performance
    • Get lightning fast, CDN-like performance from a decentralized, global network that traditional cloud storage simply can’t match.
  3. S3 Compatibility
    • Storj DCS works with the tools you’re already using, and deploys in minutes with drop-in S3 compatibility for simple integration with your stack.
  4. Unmatched Pricing
    • With no costly data centers to operate, we can pass those savings your way at up to 90% less than what you’re paying with Amazon AWS.

Multi-region built in.

Storj don’t own or operate a single data center. Instead, Storj takes advantage of a massive global network that enables unparalleled performance, security, privacy, durability at cold storage prices.

Storj Impact

Carbon neutral storage.

  • Storj are committed to the fight against climate change. See why Storj is the greenest way to store data on the cloud. Learn more.

Changing storage together.

  • At Storj, diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of our core culture, and key to our success in building a better cloud for all. Learn more.

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