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Web 3.0

Smarter Internet

What’s Web 3.0?

Watch the video below if you don’t mind. It’ll help you to understand more about the Web 3.0.

Web 3.0 is the next stage of the internet. Just like how the internet we know today (Web 2.0) made it easy for us to read and share information, Web 3.0 is going to make the internet even more exciting!

In Web 3.0, we will be able to do a lot more than just read and share. We will be able to interact with websites and apps in really cool ways. It will be like using the internet in a whole new dimension!

Web 3.0 will also focus on giving us more control over our personal information. Right now, when we use the internet, a lot of our data gets collected by companies. Web 3.0 will try to make sure that we have more control over our data and privacy.

Another cool thing about Web 3.0 is that it will make it easier for devices or things to connect with each other. For example, your watch could talk to your smartphone and your home lights could talk to your fridge, making everything work together.

So, Web 3.0 is like a supercharged version of the internet, where we can do more, have more control over our data, and connect different devices and things. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

Where’s 3.0?

Where 3.0

Honestly, I can’t demonstrate the web 3.0 here because this is just a static webpage. To experience Web 3.0 or to see how Web 3.0 webpage work, you can visit the following:

  • Spotify
    • A website that uses AI (artificial intelligence) to make or recommend playlists based on your recently played songs.
  • Theb.AI
    • A website that can offer you a conversation with an AI or generate images using the power of an AI.
  • MST
    • A free art generator online using the power of artificial intelligence to generate arts based on the text input of the users.
  • Storj
    • A website that offers you a more secured and more accessible cloud storage by making it decentralized and also uses the S3 technology for better accessibility.

Literally me right now when I can’t demonstrate the Web 3.0 in a static website:

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